Monday, January 27, 2014

Overview: Weeks Twenty-Three, Twenty-Four, and Twenty-Five

In the next three weeks, we almost finished the nursery! There is an important message at the end of this post regarding the nursery!

WEEK 23: Well the last time I blogged, Tommy and I painted  the nursery and Tommy put together the crib. This week the rest of the furniture arrived and Tommy put everything together just as it was being delivered.  Up first we have the glider and the is soooo comfortable.

Next we have the changing table:

And last but not least, the dresser:

The furniture fits nicely in the room and I love the way everything turned out. It's so hard to try and picture how everything will look without actually seeing it, but it all worked out beautifully!
The baby: is the size of a spaghetti squash! Gavin is now more proportioned from head size to the rest of his body and is looking more and more like a newborn.

Mommy's Health: I get occasional cramps, which is a result of my uterus "practicing" for labor. The uterus is actually exercising its muscles.  My back hurts occasionally when I sleep on it wrong. I always sleep on my side (even before I was pregnant) but it's hard to get comfortable with this big belly in the way! Plus, sleeping on my side causes my belly to pull on my spine. I tried using pillows and they help a little.  
I had to give up on my elliptical and light weight lifting. I started getting dizzy after working out for twenty minutes, then fifteen minutes, then was just not worth it. The good news is, I have been doing prenatal yoga videos in place of the elliptical. I love it! I learn breathing techniques, calming positions, and a connection with my baby that I've never had before. I feel incredible on the inside and out.

WEEK 24: On Friday, January 10th, 2014 we had our third sonogram. This sonogram was needed to find the aorta pump from the heart that the tech could not find during the anatomy sonogram. This time, she found the aorta pump. We weren't worried... if you remember the last post where I explained the anatomy sonogram... the tech couldn't find the aorta pump, but there was no sign of trouble because his heart was beating fine. Gavin was just moving around so much that they couldn't get an accurate picture, so we had to go back. This time, the tech got the picture and everything was documented! My baby is healthy and growing at the perfect rate! At this time, he is 1.7 pounds. Here is my handsome son:

My mother-in-law and my sister accompanied us this time to see the baby "in real life." My sister managed to take a picture of us in awe as we watch our baby move around in my belly.

On Monday, January 13, 2014 Tommy and I had our monthly OB appointment. Tommy and I (and my doctors) are proud to say I gained four more pounds. I gained a total of ten pounds in six months...not bad. We heard Gavin's heartbeat and I went over my birth plan with the doctor. She said everything I want is doable and realistic. I still have to finalize some decisions and research a little more, but as soon as I have my "final" copy I will share my birth plan in an upcoming post.
The baby: is the size of an ear of corn! Gavin is rapidly developing his senses and can sense whether he is upside down or right side up. What a genius! His respiratory system is also rapidly growing. His lungs are developing in preparation for breathing. He's breathing amniotic fluid in and out of his lungs. He is practicing for when he comes into this world and takes his first breath (I just got the chills).
Gavin and my uterus are right above my belly button!

It is January so there is no fresh corn. We had to improvise!


Mommy's Health: Those pounds I've gained do not want to stop at four. I am constantly hungry. I can control myself and I still eat healthy (once in awhile I'll splurge on something that's more satisfying over healthy...but that is rare). It's just I eat a lot more food than I usually do and I'm not used to it. Here is a sample of what I eat:

Breakfast- scrambled egg whites mixed with one egg with broccoli and onions and cheddar cheese and a potato steamed into "hash browns" and orange juice.
Snack- Apple and Greek yogurt
Lunch- peanut butter (or Nutella) and banana sandwich and trail mix (raisins and nuts)
Snack- a cheese stick and whole wheat crackers
Dinner- Chicken, veggies, pasta
Snack- frozen yogurt with bananas

Other days I have oatmeal, blueberries, many different varieties of veggies and fruits... I'm full just typing everything! Also I drink eight to ten glasses of water a day and I do my prenatal yoga!


Week 25: This week Tommy and I completed more projects for the nursery. Gavin's nautical nursery is coming out perfectly!
We bought a nautical canvas painting, a blue glass jar with rope, and sea glass in a jar:

A nautical lamp:
We bought a wooden oar and Tommy painted it white. Then he spray painted gloss white on it. We bought G-A-V-I-N letters and packaging rope to create his name (I braided and knotted the rope). We bought wooden anchors and I painted them navy blue:
Nautical pictures in frames:
We bought nautical stamps and I used the nursery paint left over to create these outlet covers:
The baby: is the size of a rutabaga! Gavin's body parts are continuing to become more proportional to each other. Baby fat is also continuing to fill in his wrinkled skin for a smoother look and more hair is growing, developing texture and color. Now Gavin and my uterus are halfway between my sternum and my belly button.


Mommy's Health: I feel great! Yeah my back is sometimes sore, I still get tired, and I'm always hungry, but none of those symptoms compare to the overwhelming amount of joy I feel when my baby boy Gavin moves. Even just thinking about him I get butterflies. I am so in love.
On Saturday, January 18th 2014...6:00 A.M. Tommy and I went to Labcorp so I could get my gestational diabetes glucose test done and out of the way. They make you drink this gross sugary drink (even more sugary than Hawaiian Punch) which has to be finished within five minutes.

THEN they make you wait an hour, THEN take a tube of blood. NOT FUN. If you "fail" the glucose test, they make you take it again, but instead of waiting an hour, you have to wait three hours! There is also a five hour one. Luckily, three days after my test I received a call from my doctor stating I do not have gestational diabetes. Phew.

Nautical Nursery News: I have been working on a seperate post strictly for the creation of Gavin's nursery. In that post I will reveal where we bought everything and explain how the oar, picture frames, and all other crafts were created. Once the nursery is done (probably after my baby shower at the end of March) I will be posting this information!

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