Saturday, December 14, 2013

Overview Weeks Seventeen, Eighteen, and Nineteen

WEEK 17: On Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 10:03 p.m. I felt my baby move for the first time!!! It felt like a bubble coming up for air and then popped. It was/is the most incredible feeling I have ever felt in my entire life. It is just a surreal wonderful feeling!

Thursday, November 28 2013 was our baby's "first" Thanksgiving. The perfect holiday to be pregnant. We went to my mom's house for Thanksgiving, as we do every year. Tommy, my mom, my sister, and I watched the parade while the turkey cooked. My mom made soooo much food. We ate and afterwards fell asleep while watching National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation (best Christmas movie ever). Then we ate desert and slept again. See, I told you... the perfect Holiday for pregnant women. The baby also enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner because he moved around during the whole movie.

 The baby: is the size of a potato! The baby has mastered some simple reflexes such as swallowing and blinking. He may even get the hiccups. Fat is also forming underneath his skin to help prepare him for the temperature change from inside of the womb to the outside world.

Mommy's Health: Happy and Healthy!

WEEK 18: The baby moves around after I eat...every time, I love it! I swear after I eat, he throws himself a little dance party. Tommy has felt him move before, but hardly. The baby isn't strong enough to let the outsiders feel him move. Which is fine with me! I love having these moments with my baby. I mean after all, I'm the one that has to give birth, I should be able to have more privileges!

The baby: is the size of a sweet potato! Many of the bones in his body are starting to harden. The first bones to develop are the inner ear, which means he is able to start hearing sounds such as my heartbeat or my tummy growling. My tummy doesn't growl often because I try to eat every two ours before I get that awful hunger headache. But he is able to hear my heartbeat and that's always thumping. 

Mommy's Health: Happy and Healthy!
WEEK 19: On Friday, December 6th 2013 Tommy and I went to our level 2 sonogram. During a level 2 sonogram, they look for all parts of the body. We saw his spine, four heart chambers, stomach, bladder, liver, legs and arms, feet and hands, his brain, nose, eyes, ears, chin, head and face. And of course we saw the part that makes him an official boy...! We saw him from all different angles and positions, it was really incredible. The funny part was: The lady who did the sonogram was trying to locate my baby's feet and couldn't find them. It took her twenty minutes to find one foot because he would not stop moving. The lady would push down on my belly and move the sonogram tool around and around. We would get a glimpse of his feet here and there but he wouldn't hold still long enough to get a clear picture. The whole sonogram took and hour and twenty minutes. My belly was so sore after the sonogram, but I can't complain... I got to see my baby move around for an hour and twenty minutes. After the sonogram we met with the doctor who looks at the results and explains them to us. He told us the baby should be around eight ounces. Our baby is already eleven ounces. The doctor said it's still within average and he's healthy. I know I'm going to be pushing out a twelve pounder. Keep a look out for me in the book of world records. The doctor also told us that they found and documented every body part except for one of the veins that is connected to the heart. He said it's there (otherwise the baby's heart wouldn't be beating correctly) but, they need to get a picture of it. So I have another sonogram next month when the baby is bigger. Other then that everything is great and healthy and wonderful! Oh yeah, we also picked out a name. Ladies and gentlemen, meet Gavin Thomas:


Gavin means "White Hawk" and Thomas is my husband's name and it means "Twin."
The baby: is the size of a mango! His senses are developing as specialized areas in the brain and are being designated for smell, taste, hearing, vision, and touch.

Mommy's Health: This week I have been a bit moody and emotional. Sometimes I feel like crying even though I am not upset, sad, angry, overjoyed, frustrated, overwhelmed, or anything in particular. I just wanted to cry... for fun? It's usually in the morning on the way to work when I can't cry because 1. I'm driving and 2. I don't want to ruin my make-up and look a mess for work. Also, I have been fighting a cold and the cold won. I was stuffed up, sore throat, tired and achy. I took more vitamin C and drank some tea. Didn't help much, but hey, what can ya do? What did help was extra sleep. Schools were closed on Tuesday because of snow and I was able to take a three hour nap in the middle of the day. After I woke up I felt better. The cold is just lingering now, I'll sneeze occasionally and have a stuffy nose at night, but I'll live. 
I AM OFFICIALLY 20 WEEKS WHICH MEANS I AM HALFWAY THROUGH MY PREGNANCY!!! Can't wait to see what week 20 and on will bring me!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Overview Weeks Fourteen, Fifteen, and Sixteen

WEEK 14: This week my belly popped out a lot! I had cramps for a day, like the ones I had in the beginning of my pregnancy. Last time I had cramps, I asked my doctor if it was normal and she told me cramps are a good thing. That means the uterus is stretching and getting bigger for the growing baby.  So, I figured the cramps this time around are from a growing uterus and baby. The next day after my cramps I had the biggest appetite ever. I can't even list everything I ate that day. Sweet, salty, carbs, you name it, I probably ate it. The next day after my buffet, I popped out. The baby had a growth spurt! Well after the growth spurt, Tommy and I went to the mall to buy more maternity pants. That one pair in my dresser isn't going to be enough. We went to H&M, but their selection was eh. We went to Motherhood Maternity and they had a great sale. I purchased two pairs of stretchy nylon work pants. One maroon pair and one olive green pair. I also bought two pairs of maternity leggings. One black pair and one olive green pair. I also bought maternity underwear, I won't go into color detail about them.

The baby: is the size of a lemon! The baby's face can start to make expressions like squint or frown. Some babies even start growing hair this week! I wish I could just watch my baby whenever I wanted and see the baby swim around, flex, kick, squint, frown, everything! 

Mommy's Health: Besides my belly growing, nothing has really changed. No major cravings, little headaches here and there, and sleepy some days. I cut down on the cheese, causing my digestive system to be a LITTLE bit more regular. But, still uncomfortable.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Overview Weeks Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen


I'm getting so close to my second trimester I can almost taste it!

WEEK 11: No doctor’s appointment until next week. My belly pouch is getting a little bit bigger, and I feel adorable. Tommy is convinced the baby is a girl and I’m almost positive it’s a boy. We will be happy with either, of course, but it is fun to argue with him!

The baby: is the size of a lime! This week the baby is officially called a fetus. The baby will start doubling in size every week. The baby's ears are moving to the side of the head.


Mommy's Health: My food obsession is baked potato (preferably from Wendy's) Ugh and I hate fast food restaurants. I haven't eaten fast food in years. When I complain about eating fast food to my family and friends they ask, “Where do you go and what do you eat?” I tell them Wendy’s baked potatoes and they look at me weird for a second and say, “That’s not fast food, burgers and fries are fast foods.” Since I only eat chicken, a burger is out of the question. Eating baked potatoes isn’t as bad as eating fried foods. It’s just the whole gross atmosphere of the “restaurant” that makes me feel blah about eating food from there. Tommy goes into Wendy’s or picks up a baked potato for me so I don’t have to go inside and smell the grease. That’s all I’ve eaten for dinner for this past week. I feel like I’m never going to get over this craving. At least it’s only $1.50 every night and not some $20 meal every night.

I’m still tired, but I don’t need a three hour afternoon nap anymore. I just go to bed around 8:00. The bigger this baby gets the slower my digestion gets. Luckily, I have Tommy to rub my back every night. That helps my stomach feel better, a lot better.

WEEK 12: Sunday, October 20, 2013 was Tommy’s 30th birthday party. It was great to see all of our family and friends to celebrate his birthday. Everyone was excited to see a little belly on me and it was fun catching everyone up on our pregnancy news.
Tommy and I had to take off of work on Monday, October 21 2013 because we had two doctor’s appointments. The first appointment was our 1st trimester sonogram (level 1) at 2:00p.m. We saw the baby on the big screen during our sonogram, I cried. He or she is sooo cute!! The technician took screen shots of both arms and legs, fingers, toes, and the head. This baby is unbelievably active. He or she would curl up into a ball then stretch out in the blink of an eye. Constantly moving! It was amazing to watch. The technician measured the back of the neck for any signs of Down syndrome. The back of the neck measured 1.5; if the measurement is 2.5 or greater the baby could have Down syndrome, heart problems, or other complications. The baby is great and healthy! The measurements are all in sync with how many weeks pregnant I am. The technician printed out pictures for us to take home. After the sonogram we had to go across the hall to talk to the lady about upcoming blood work. Her name is Barbara and she wrote me a script for the Harmony Test. The Harmony Test can give a more accurate result for Downs than measuring the back of the neck. We also had the option to get the baby’s DNA taken out of my blood to determine if the baby is a boy or girl. We obviously had to get the DNA test so we can have our gender reveal party! Barbara also gave me a date for Spina Bifida blood work that has to be done between weeks 14-16. We had a great appointment and it’s so miraculous to see my baby move around in my belly.

This is a face to face shot. the two black spots are the baby's brain

So big!

Sucking the thumb...I can't take the cuteness!!!

Our second doctor’s appointment was my regular OB at 4:15p.m. I met the other doctor who will be going through this pregnancy with me. She is very nice and just as knowledgeable as my other doctor. Doctor #2 already had the sonogram results from earlier today. She confirmed everything looked good and asked if we had any questions. We did not have any questions so the doctor told us we were going to hear the heartbeat for the first time. She took the heartbeat device and rolled it on my belly where my baby is. She found the heartbeat but because the baby kept moving around she couldn’t get a 30 second listening of the heartbeat. She had to follow the energetic baby around my uterus. When we finally got the baby to calm down long enough to hear the heartbeat, she measured the heartbeat at 152 BPM. It was a beautiful sound I’ve ever heard. Tommy and I were in awe. SO PRECIOUS. After the doctor’s appointment we went to Wendy’s and bought me a baked potato, duh.  
The next day, Tuesday, October 22 2013, I woke up at 5:15 to wait outside in the freezing cold for Labcorp to open. Tommy and I were the first ones there. If we did not go early I would have to wait in line and be late for work. The results for the Harmony Test take 2-3 weeks so I had to get the blood work done ASAP or the doctor would not know the sex before the gender reveal party (which is the whole point of having the party). That was an eventful week!

The baby: is the size of a plum! This week the baby’s face is becoming more defined. The eyes have moved towards the front of the face and the chin and nose are more shaped. The baby’s fingernails are now well formed. I can’t wait to kiss every one of those fingers.

Mommy's Health: My food obsession is still baked potato…every single night.

I’m starting to be less of a grandma and having more energy. My bedtime is now 9:00 instead of 8:00. GO ME! My digestive system is even slower now, and I get pains because I have to go to the bathroom (#2). Going to the bathroom is not as easy as it used to be. The backrubs do help, but I can’t wait to be regular again.
WEEK 13: Well Thursday was Halloween! My class had a party and they were very well behaved. After school, I went over to my mom’s house, ate dinner, and went trick-or-treating with my mom, sister, and some family friends. (I did not go to the doors for candy!) But my sister did and managed to get me some candy by telling homeowners her pregnant sister was standing over by our mom. It was too funny. Not like we needed any candy, my mom basically bought every bag of candy from Target. We had a lot of fun and I was a skeleton…Baby and all!

The baby: is the size of a peach/small onion! This week the baby is able move and flex his or her arms and legs. Too bad I can’t feel it yet. My baby is so advanced, he or she has been flexing and kicking since last week! Tommy and I are just dying to know if the baby is a girl or a boy!!

Mommy's Health: I don’t really have any cravings this week. I’m eating more chicken now and trying to force down eggs because the baby and I now need 70g of protein (Boy, that’s a lot!) The baby and I also need more calcium too. Perfect timing because I love frozen yogurt again!! I’m eating tons of cheese, frozen yogurt, and Greek yogurt.

I’ve had the most energy this week since I got pregnant. I go to bed at 10:00 p.m. now and feel fully rested when I get up for work. What a relief! I’m still having digestive problems; my doctor said it could be the amount of cheese I’m eating. Plus, the digestive system slows down naturally to absorb most of the nutrients out of the food for the baby. Guess I’ll take down the cheese intake for a little bit!
The next time I blog it will be about my gender reveal party happening on November 10th, 2013!!!! YAY!!!

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Overview weeks eight, nine, and ten

The last three weeks have been crazy because of teaching and my endless need for sleep. Honestly, when I wasn't teaching I was sleeping. That has basically been my life. Now let's get into the details!!

WEEK 8: Tommy and I started a pregnancy journal given to me by two of my friends, Jackie and Kasey. Tommy and I document how I'm feeling, pictures, and even little stories about our life for the baby to read when he/she is older. The book is so adorable. One of my teacher friends gave me a journal as well. It is a little different than the one Jackie and Kasey gave me. This one is very detailed, including, emergency numbers, baby registry, budgeting, and facts about the pregnancy. It's more of a planning for the future book. Both journals are being fulfilled in their desire to be used and we love doing it.
My uterus is the size of a grapefruit and I feel bloated at times (usually at the end of the day).

The baby: is the size of a raspberry! This week our baby's ears, eyelids, fingers, and toes are developing. The baby now has wrists and elbows that can flex. Go baby go!

Mommy's Health: Still eating my usual bagels, eggs, hummus, fruit, almonds, and pasta and cheese. The cramps have basically stopped, but the headaches are very much continuing. SO FUN!

WEEK 9: Tommy and I had our doctor's appointment on  Wednesday, September 25, 2013 to discuss the blood work and sonogram. My doctor said everything looked good in the sonogram. As for the blood work, my glucose levels are great, sugar levels are great, no gestational diabetes, great, great, great. There was a couple of MINOR issues with my blood work. 1) I'm not immune to chicken pox, in fact she thought I never had the pox because only a very small trace was found in my blood. Funny, because in first grade I was out of school for almost two weeks with the chicken pox... I had them so bad, on every inch of my body. I have scares to prove it. So she suggested after I have the baby to get the chicken pox vaccine. We'll see. 2) My blood type is B- which means I'm blood type B without RH. RH is a protein in blood cells. My blood cells never had contact with this RH protein because my cells don't make it. It's all fine and dandy, however, we don't know daddy's blood type, he could be a positive blood type which might be passed down to the baby. If so, baby's blood cells could potentially make the RH protein. Which again is all fine, except my blood cells will notice this unfamiliar RH protein and start attacking my baby's cells causing them to blow up and causing a miscarriage.. you're probably thinking "wow, that's not really a minor issue!!" BUT DON'T FREAK OUT LIKE I DID. There is a shot I have to get at 28 weeks that solves this whole problem. 25% of women are B- (just as much as there are left handed women) so it's pretty common (plus I'm left handed, I wonder what the odds of being B- and left handed are?) I also have to get the shot after the birth to stop future miscarriages when I'm ready for baby number two. SIDE NOTE: my doctor did not freak me out with all of this information. She told me right from the beginning there is a shot for this and it's not a big deal, but of course I insisted on knowing every detail. WHICH I am entitled to. So that's that. She also answered my many questions, like what to take for these headaches (Tylenol) and my endless questions concerning midwives. My doctor was very knowledgeable and honest about midwives. She told me good points about midwives and what she (and other mothers) worry about with  midwives. Long story short, she said midwives aren't equipped for really big emergencies (like a C-sections) If I did need to go to the hospital because of an emergency an unfamiliar doctor on duty would deliver my baby because midwives do not work in hospitals. To me, having a stranger deliver my baby is worse then delivering with my doctor in a hospital (who I have been with throughout the whole pregnancy). So it's like a better safe then sorry situation. The emergency situations made Tommy worry (plus he wasn't on board with the midwife in the first place) and now he definitely wants me to deliver in a hospital. Tommy and I talked about how we felt and still have not come to a final decision, but we did decide to visit the hospital I would deliver at and interview a midwife. Both are still in the works.

The baby: is the size of a grape! This week our baby's tail disappears and the hands and feet are looking less like paddles and have formed fingers and toes. The eyes are fully developed. He/she is not an official fetus yet.

Mommy's Health: My new obsession is SUBS. I LOVE turkey, provolone, lettuce, tomato, onions, and mayo. I have been eating subs without turkey because turkey may contain listeria. Listeria is a bacteria that can cause the baby to have food poisoning and miscarriage. So I eat a turkey and cheese sub with the works, hold the turkey.  Still tired and my headaches are stating to calm down.

WEEK 10: THIS WEEK IS ALL ABOUT TOMMY. I love him. He is a wonderful husband and already a wonderful father. I know this because he does anything to make me comfortable. Like, makes me whatever food whenever I want. If we don't have the ingredients, he will get them. Stop picturing a grumpy, angry, spoiled girl (OK monster) sitting in bed with empty wrappers and dirty dishes all over the place screaming, "WHERE ARE YOU I'M STARVING, GO QUICKER THEN THAT I'M STARVING." Because actually, I am very reasonable. I've never made him run out to get me something past 11:00p.m. SEE I'm such as good wife. No, but really, I could be that monster and he would still do everything for me, that's what makes him a good husband. He also rubs my back every night, cleans (more then usual), and cooks for us. I'm beyond blessed to call him my husband.

The baby: is the size of a prune! This week our baby's organs are all formed and beginning to function. He/she is also growing tiny nails on fingers and toes and tiny buds for teeth.


Mommy's Health: Still loving my subs (with no turkey) and the newest craving... GRILLED CHEESE. Healthy grilled cheese of course: whole wheat bread, cooking spray, and unprocessed cheese...dipped in ketchup (ew I can't even write it, but I eat it) I'm SO EXHAUSTED. I work until 3:15, get home around 4:00, sleep until 7:00, wake up, eat, go back to sleep. On a good note, my headaches are practically GONE. I still get them from time to time when I forget to eat a snack.


Saturday, September 21, 2013

Overview Weeks Six & Seven

Before I get started on the update of my last two weeks being pregnant, let me just say that I LOVE being pregnant. If I sound like I'm whining or complaining in this post, it's because I am. BUT that does not change the incredible feeling I have everywhere I go. Just knowing I have my miracle growing inside of me everyday gives me huge fluttering butterflies flying around in my stomach. And because I am solely responsible for the growth of this baby for all nine months...I have the right to complain.


WEEK 6: Tommy and I went to the doctor for the first time since I got pregnant on Monday, September 9, 2013. I peed in a cup to confirm what I already knew and then was surprised to see steel tongs and a long q-tip on the counter. I had to get my annual check-up? Even though I didn't need one until March? When I questioned my doctor she said "believe me, an annual check up is the last thing you want to do in March when you are eight months pregnant. Plus you need to get checked for gonorrhea and Chlamydia, so we might as well get all the swabs done together." That shut me up; even though I was sure I didn't have any STDs I wasn't going to argue with the woman who had the steel tongs in her hand.

The baby: Is the size of a green pea! AWW HOW CUTE THE LITTLE PEA!!! Every week the baby triples in size. This week the baby is developing eyes, ears and the heart starts to pump!!! The tissue for the backbone, ribs, and some muscles are also developing.


 Mommy's Health: My no appetite phase is slowly decreasing and is replaced with PASTA AND CHEESE! I have bagels with cream cheese or scrambled eggs with cheddar cheese in the morning, pretzels with hummus for lunch, fruit and almonds for snacks, and for dinner... spaghetti with sauce and a ton of mozzarella cheese. Sometimes I throw in some turkey meatballs for protein.

I still have cramps, but they have decreased in the amount of times per day and increased intensity. Blah.

I have stopped exercising for now because when I am not teaching, I am sleeping. I usually have a massive headache from 11 a.m. until 4 p.m. After my nap I just feel even more tired and nauseous (still haven't thrown up yet!) I will start exercising again once I’m in my second trimester comes and these symptoms calm down.

WEEK 7: Tommy and I went to the sonogram doctor to see our baby for the first time!! We went on Friday, September 13, 2013. I had to drink thirty-two ounces of water before the appointment so my bladder could push the uterus closer to the top of my belly. If the doctor could not find the baby during a normal sonogram then she would have had to do an internal one. Luckily, she found the baby! Meet our baby!

The baby: Is the size of a BLUEBERRY! The cutest blueberry you have ever seen! This week our baby's brain is developing. The face is also becoming more defined. Tiny arms, legs, hands, and feet are beginning to bud. I really can't wait to hold my baby's hands and kiss his or her feet!

Mommy's Health: My menu has remained the same: Bagels, eggs, hummus, fruit, almonds, and of course my pasta and cheese. I did have a craving for chicken tender, fries, and onion rings from Friendly's. I never EVER eat gross fried food like that, but I did. I felt so much better and I haven't craved it since.

Cramps and everything else are the same (headache, nauseous, and exhausted)

I went to get blood work the next day after our ultrasound. I HATE getting blood taken. The lady took three huge tubes and five regular sized ones. I didn't watch and Tommy was by my side the whole time letting me squeeze his hand (how the hell am I supposed to push a watermelon out of my vagina when I can't even get blood work done???)

Tommy has honestly been the best. He rubs my lower back every night so I can go to the bathroom in the morning (it really does help). He calls and checks up on me. Constantly asks me if I need anything. I wonder how long this is going to last.

Tommy and I are currently looking for a midwife in our area. I absolutely positively HATE hospitals. I can't even visit people who are sick if they are in a hospital. Hospitals just freak me out. I KNOW... THE MATERNITY AREA IS DIFFERENT GHDGIHSRIGHSDHG. But honestly...the whole place smells the same. Old people dying and other women in labor screaming are not things I want to be associated with. Thanks anyway. I would much rather deliver in a calm birthing room, or maybe even in the comfort of my own home.

But really...Why a midwife? It's not just to get out of going to the hospital. It's a much nicer, calmer, natural experience. They have the necessary tools to monitor if something was to go wrong. In that case I would have to go to the hospital. But I feel hospitals and doctors are always trying to push some sort of medication or even a c-section. If a woman is healthy and a non high risk patient, there is no reason why a she can't deliver naturally. Midwives have different techniques to help smooth along the labor. There are many different positions to relax in and different ways to breathe. Having a midwife would just make me feel better. We haven't found one yet because they all seem to be north from me. I am asking around and will have more to come on this topic. Scroll up to see the sonogram picture of my beautiful baby one more time before you go.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Weeks Three, Four, and Five Overview.

Right now I am five weeks and three days pregnant and I love it... given nothing is really going on during these early weeks, but still, I'm doing great.

On my last post I stated I was two weeks pregnant, but I was really four. My doctor told me to take the first day of my last menstrual cycle (July 23, 2013) to help determine my due opposed to taking the most fertile day during ovulation (which was August 9, 2013). This is why I was two weeks off.

Women are usually pregnant for forty weeks, so actually, that's ten months. However, a mother isn't considered "pregnant" until week three when the blastocyst finished traveling through the fallopian tube and has officially planted itself into the uterus. Which makes being officially pregnant for 9 months, but it is a ten month process. Confused yet? If so, reread the paragraph.

You good? I hope so...Here is an overview on weeks three, four, and five:

WEEK 3: Tommy and I told family and friends. I called the doctor to make our first appointment, which is September 9, 2013.

The baby: The blastocyst planted itself in the uterus and is now an embryo. The embryo will continue to grow and become a fetus.

Mommy's Health: I had no appetite all week. I was soo hungry, but anytime I thought of food, I’d lose my appetite, but I was not nauseous. I still ate. I had whole grains, veggies, Greek yogurt, chicken, eggs, and tons of fruit to help with possible constipation.

I had cramps all week, apparently it's just my uterus growing and stretching. Yummy.

I still exercised regularly. I use the elliptical and or go for long walks. I no longer increase my weights anymore, I only increase the reps.

I drink 10-12 glasses of water and take my prenatal vitamin every night.


WEEK 4: Tommy and I took our "week 4" pictures. We even started to narrow down baby names.

The baby: The embryo was the size of a poppy seed.


Mommy's Health: I still did not have an appetite. I still ate: whole grains, veggies, Greek yogurt, granola, chicken, eggs, and tons of fruit to help with possible constipation. (I don't think constipation will even be a problem considering the amount of fruit I eat)

According to my BMI (body mass index), age, height, and current weight, I should gain anywhere from 25-35 pounds. Not too bad!

I still had cramps all week. This uterus has a long way to grow. Get it?

I'm doing exercises on my back while I still can, once I’m in my second trimester, the baby is too heavy. I will not be able to sleep or do exercises on my back because the baby will be heavy enough to push blood veins against the backbone, or other internal body parts. This causes the baby's blood flow to slow down or even stop. NO THANKS.

I still drink 10-12 glasses of water and take my prenatal vitamin every night.


WEEK 5: (my current week) Tommy and I really TRIED to narrow down our baby names. I'm pretty sure I have them picked out. We also made a list of things we will need when the baby comes so we can start buying things little by little. Items that aren't usually given at a baby shower, for example, baby thermometer, baby gate (mostly to keep my Chihuahua, Chloe, out of the hallway so I don't have to worry about tripping over her), and a baby monitor.

We are taking our "week 5" pictures tomorrow!

The Baby: The embryo is the size of an apple seed. Seriously!! From a tiny poppy seed dot to an actually visible apple seed...IN ONE WEEK! UNBELIEVABLE!


ACCORDING TO MY "Baby Bump" APP: The embryo is now dividing into three layers of cells. The top layer will become the central nervous system (the brain, spinal cord, spinal nerves, and backbone). The middle layer will develop into the circulatory system. The bottom layer will develop the lungs, intestines, thyroid, and other major organs.

Mommy's Health: I'm rarely hungry. I think it's because I’m eating more frequently to avoid the headaches I’ve been getting this week.

My sense of smell has increased greatly. I already have a nose like a bloodhound before I was pregnant (not the size of my nose, just my sense of smell...very funny). NOW my sense of smell is like a bloodhound and a shark combined. There are no clear reasons why a mother's sense of smell heightens when pregnant. Some say it's a "maternal instinct" to protect the baby. If something smells rancid from afar, the mother knows not to go near it.

I do have a little tiny BELLY bump. But don't get too's only water weight 

I still drink 10-12 glasses of water and take my prenatal vitamin every night.

I still exercise regularly. I do not increase my weights, I only increase the reps. I don't want to lift weights that are too heavy and end up hurting myself.

I've also been doing "Kegel" exercises. These are exercises that strengthen the pelvic muscles. This muscle supports urethra, bladder, uterus, and rectum. These exercises help with birth because it strengthens the uterus and the mother's muscle tones in the vagina. I'm sure most of you are lost and thinking, WHAT THE HECK ARE KEGEL EXERCISES. Do I really need to go into HOW to do these exercises? FINE, I will.


Alright ladies, first start with an empty bladder. Hurry up, go pee. Ok, now imagine you are urinating and push. Now, pull back up like you are trying to stop yourself from peeing. Feel the squeeze? Hold it for five seconds. Now release and do it again. Make sure you’re squeezing and lifting without using your tummy, bottom, or squeezing your legs together. Only use your vagina. (For the guys that did not take my advice and move onto the next paragraph..having fun?) Pregnant women should repeat these "squeezes" thoughout parts of the day in sets of five. Ya know if your sitting there bored in a meeting, just squeeze your vagina and pull up. It's a fun time. I'm such a good Kegel exercise instructor. Is that even a profession?? Where to I apply? I can offer it online!! Lindsay: Certified Kegel Exercise Instructor. It does have a nice ring to it. Alright, let's bring the men back.


FOR WEEK 6 AND OTHER WEEKS TO FOLLOW: Let's just all assume i'm drinking 10-12 glasses of water, taking my prenatal vitamin every night, using the elliptical or taking a long walk everyday, lifting weights, stretching, and doing my Kegel exercises...until told otherwise. Writing them over and over every week will get old fast. And i'm sure you'll get tired of reading it.

Can't wait to see what week six will bring me!


Thursday, August 22, 2013


I haven't even started writing this post yet and I'm crying. I know I promised not to announce my pregnancy unless I reached three months. HOWEVER, there are doctors appointments, ultrasounds, blood work, and millions of other things to blog about. Well, if you haven't figured it out already...

I'm PREGNANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And as you probably already know, my husband and I are...I can't even think of the word to describe how excited, ecstatic, beyond joyful, blessed, jumping up and down, crying every two seconds, screaming, crying, you get the idea.

Let me just remind you... didn't I tell you I wanted to be pregnant in August so I could have the baby in May? We arrived, we fought, we conquered. Who gets pregnant the first official month they try?? My husband is the best.

OK, so, let's get down to how I found out. Monday (August 19, 2013) was four days before my missed period. I had breast tenderness and sensitivity, no appetite, and hot flashes. I had one test left and knew the odds were against me, but decided to take the test anyway. I peed on the stick and waited my three minutes. I looked at the test and it was blank. No lines. I looked at the instructions and reviewed the results: one line= not pregnant, two lines= pregnant, no lines= invalid. The instructions said to wait an extra ten minutes. I had to be at work by two in the afternoon and it was eight in the morning. So five hours later, before I left for work, I checked the test one more time. It was blank so I threw the test out. My husband got home from work an hour before me. I walked in the door and he said "Did you see the test you threw out??" And I answered "Yeah, I waited five hours and no lines showed up." He gave me a weird look and said he saw two lines. He showed me the stick and there were two lines. Very very very very light light light tiny tiny lines. I looked at him and told him that must have appeared ten hours after I took the test..It was more than invalid, this test was crazy. You seriously had to shine a light and hold the stick two inches from your face to see these lines. Something inside made me question the test. Why would the test detect the pregnancy hormone causing the second line to show up? Even if it was ten hours later.

That night Tommy went to the store to pick up more tests. I told Tommy that I would take another test in the morning after he left for work. I told him to not call me throughout the whole day because If I was pregnant I wanted to tell him in a special way. We went to sleep early Monday night because I wasn't feeling good. I had/have a bad cold. So around two in the morning on Tuesday (August 20, 2013) I had to pee so bad. I was debating whether or not to take the test. Tommy was still home and didn't have to go to work for another three hours. I had to take the test during the first pee of the morning because that's when the hormones are most detectable. There was no way I would have been able to wait three more hours. If the test showed two lines, how could I keep my mouth shut and go back to sleep?! 

So I go pee in a cup and stick the new test in for five seconds, of course waking Tommy up in the process. Almost immediately I saw the second line and began freaking out. Tommy asked if everything was alright. It took EVERYTHING in me to not blabber about what I just saw. I ran out the bedroom door and into the hallway for a few seconds to pull myself together. When I entered our room I told him it was negative, that I was upset, and to not ask any questions and go back to bed. He asked if I was okay and I told him yes that my nose is stuffed and it was hard to breathe.  Looking back now It worked out that I was sick because, really, I was crying. Thank God he isn't a morning person, he fell right back to sleep.

I, of course, did not go back to sleep and stayed up on Pinterest for three hours, looking for ways to tell Tommy I was pregnant. 5 a.m. rolled around and Tommy got up to get ready for work while I pretended to sleep. He finally left and I had to pee again. I took another test to make sure. It came out positive again and on my SECOND pee of the morning!

I was set on telling Tommy the way I planned on initially. So I went to the craft store and bought decorated blank baby shower invitations, stickers, and a silver pen. I wrote a beautiful letter from the "baby," put the letter in the envelope, and put stickers all over the envelope. Knowing Tommy would want to travel  the world to everyone's house to share the best news of our lives, I called Tommy's boss and we worked out a way to have him home by noon.

Tommy was home by noon and because he works with sewers and drains he routinely comes home, puts his clothes in the laundry room, and takes a shower. This gave me time to put the letter on the kitchen table and get my video camera ready! I wish I could upload the video, but there is an "error" every time I try! Probably because it's too long. I will TRY putting the video on my Facebook. Bad news is unless you're friends with me on Facebook, you won't be able to see it.

But, I do have footage of Chloe, our chihuahua finding out she is going to be a big sister. THIS IS TOO CUTE!

We told all of our family and friends we are expecting and I even posted it on my Facebook and Twitter.

These were all taken at different times between Tuesday and Wednesday. The test on top has the darkest double's my most recent test.

I called my doctor Wednesday (yesterday) and told the receptionist I was pregnant. She asked when the first day of my last menstrual cycle started. After I told her she figured out I was three weeks pregnant and would not need my first appointment until I was six weeks pregnant. My first appointment is 9/9/13. My doctor will discuss what to expect and send me to a lab to get blood work and an ultrasound done. Then my next appointment is 9/25/13 to discuss the blood work and ultrasound.

I've been sleeping a lot and drinking tons of water to fight off this cold. I have little appetite, but trying to eat every couple of hours. I also have cramps because the blastocyst (it's not even an embryo yet) is still traveling through my fallopian tube (that's right it's not even in my uterus yet)

I'm so excited to blog about my pregnancy so early so I can share everything. We are so blessed from all the love and support. I know it's early, but I'm extremely healthy and ready to grow a baby in my belly!! LOVE YOU ALL!!!